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LiteExpert Trade - Earnings chart
Earned in 2019
$15 142 764
Investorsin 2019
Earningsin 2019

About company

Expert Waveshubr LTD company was established in 2010. The main kind of the company's activity is worldwide financing of different enterprises' capitals under the assignment of receivables.

Efficient and professionally worked out methodologies and the perfect understanding of the customers' requirements by our specialists provides as profitable and operative solving of any issues which are connected with financing and accurate controlling of all the accounts receivables as it is possible. Due to the successful integration of the complexes products in spheres of financial procurement and sells our company has significantly extended its geography of providing services excluding the risks of default.

Development of new plans
Development of new and optimization of already existing investment plans in order to increase investors' profit rates and improve the investment conditions.
Entry to new monetary and financial markets. Development strategies of the company's development and their adaptation to the new environment.
New platform development
Development and launch of our own trading platform.

Our advantages

Start earning with a team of experienced financial specialists and professional traders. Only profitable investment, accurate strategies, and promising directions for the company's improvements.

High ROI rates
We create such investment conditions in which every investment sets out to payback and provide profits the next day.
A wide range of plans
We offer to make a choice of 6 optimally developed investment plans which give chances to have from 2% up to 30% profits for one investment period.
Career program
Provide yourself with the high rated passive income by creating a team of investors and participating in Expert Waveshubr LTD company multilevel career program.

How to invest

A process of dealing with the platform is extremely simple and clear. It includes 4 simple steps. We guarantee the total security of your funds and any information at each of the investment stages.

In order to start an investment, you have to fill in a simple registration form. Enter your contacts and create a unique login and password for accessing your account.
Choose one or several investment plans of the offered and make a deposit. Each of the plans is particularly profitable and means earning the promised amount of money by the end of the investment period.
Receive profits
Investment profits will be sent to your account either every day or at the end of the period. It depends on the conditions of a certain investment plan.

Why us?

Our team includes high-qualified specialists in the spheres of finances, programming, analytics, and mathematics. We brought together real experts who actively work on the company's development, improve it and create new directions of its activity.

Since 2010 LiteExpert Trade LTD company has managed to multiply its capital for several times. This allows us and our clients to become financially independent and sustainable to the various changes and fluctuations of the financial sphere.

Some info about us

In 2015 Expert Waveshubr LTD company created a conglomerate in order to provide the high effectiveness of the additional kinds of activity. It considers development, reconstruction, building, and renovation of buildings and constructions of any difficulty using the advanced technologies and materials. Also, we are dealing with investment in international largest companies' capitals all over the world.

Trading on the Forex market and cooperating with the largest international organizations as a creditor and loan provider, we are able to give our clients a 100% guarantee of income.

Expert Waveshubr LTD is one of the leaders of the elite stock and financial markets and is a financial advisor, analytics and viewpoints of which is widely considered and referred by such editions as Reuters, Bloomberg etc.

Our documents

Our goals

Expert Waveshubr LTD doesn't stand still but it is constantly improved and keeps pace with the technologies of the future. That's why it is planned to create our own trading platform. Already, our programmers are dealing with the development of special algorithms according to which our trading platform will be running. This will allow to make the trading process totally controllable and secure. At the first half of 2020, it is planned to set out opened testing of the platform with its further official launch.

Also, it is planned to open the first company's representative offices in countries all over the world, and we are going to attract new investors for extending the area of our activity.